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COVID-19: What Women Need Now & in the Future

February 16, 2021
Since the start of the pandemic, YWCA has been meeting the critical needs of women and families in the community. COVID-19 forced us to respond and adapt quickly, and find ways to deliver socially distant services at 20+ locations across King and Snohomish Counties.

4 Ways You Can Advocate for Housing Today

February 9, 2021
February 8-12 are Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Days, a week-long series of workshops, rallies, and meetings with lawmakers to push for more affordable housing solutions in Washington. We've highlighted four ways you can join in the collective action this week.

Message from Maria: Fighting for Equity & Democracy

January 20, 2021
In the face of violent threats to our democracy, the inauguration of Kamala Harris is a reminder that collective action and civic engagement can yield powerful change for women, girls, and BIPOC communities.

Community Impacting Community

December 29, 2020
Because of the generosity of a local foundation, YWCA is able to support our employees who have had to shoulder the burdens of being working parents during a pandemic.

Celebrating Women Who Dare

December 9, 2020
Meet the four honorees of our 2020 "Washington Women Who Dare" celebration and learn what being fearless means to them. Presented in partnership with Comcast Washington and TEDxSeattleWomen.

Fight for Equity in 2021 with YWCA

December 8, 2020
This winter, Washington state legislators will convene virtually to begin tackling the issues facing our state. YWCA will be working hard to pass strong policies to improve the lives of women and communities of color across three areas of focus: housing, justice system reform, and economic empowerment.