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Fostering Allyship through YWCA's GenRising

November 4, 2021
Meet Rafael Grijalva, YWCA Board Member and GenRising Committee Member. Read on to learn why YWCA's mission matters to him, as well as how you can get involved with GenRising, YWCA's diverse group of professionals under the age of 45.

Putting Domestic Violence Survivors FIRST

October 21, 2021
As part of YWCA's Week Without Violence, we're highlighting our program Survivors FIRST (Facilitating Interventions & Resources for Survivors of Trauma), a partnership between YWCA and the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (KCPAO) that identifies justice-involved survivors of gender-based violence and connects them to culturally specific services at YWCA.

It's Your Future, Vote!

September 28, 2021
At YWCA, we’re excited to once again be part of a national effort to strengthen our community by registering hundreds of voters on September 28, 2021, also known as National Voter Registration Day.

Reclaiming Our Power at YWCA's Luncheon

September 21, 2021
YWCA held our second virtual Luncheon on September 14 with over 1,200 supporters in attendance. Thank you for coming together to reclaim our power and help us raise over $1 million in support of women and families in our region.

Stacey Abrams and the Fight for Democracy

September 7, 2021
Our 2021 YWCA Inspire Luncheon keynote speaker Stacey Abrams has committed her life to protecting the freedom to vote for every eligible American, because voting is about more than engagement – it’s an act of power. It’s how we ensure that our needs are met, our voices are heard, and that those who speak for us know what we want them to say. 